Celebrating Women in Maths Conference – Wrexham University

WhatOne day mathematics conference at Wrexham University
WhoYear 10 maths students
When2nd July 2024. 9:30-14:15
To booke.w.clode@bangor.ac.uk

More information

The Mathematics Support Programme Wales is pleased to announce a one-day conference at Wrexham University, Mold Rd, Wrexham LL11 2AW, for able Mathematics students from schools in Wales.  You are invited to bring 15 students from Year 10. The emphasis will be that mathematics can be both fun and challenging.

We are pleased to announce that our key note speaker this year is Zoe Griffiths who will be one of the key speakers in the MEI conference two days later!

There will be workshops and talks, as well as a ‘Mathematics Quiz’ competition which will be held on the day, with a prize.

We do hope that you will be able to bring a group of around 15 students who are interested in mathematics.  The day is intended to appeal to your brightest mathematicians in Year 10.

There will be no cost for the day, for state funded schools, and further details will be sent so you can make arrangements on receipt of the registration form below. 

This year we have just 100 places which will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so early booking is advised.

This year we are celebrating Women in Maths and the day is aimed at female students but boys are welcome to attend too. 

To register please send the following information to Elen Wyn Clode at e.w.clode@bangor.ac.uk

Name of School:

Name of Teacher:

Teacher’s email:

Number of students attending:

Number of staff attending:

An acknowledgement will be sent on receipt of the information above.