Events for students…
Current | A-level events…
Past | A-level events…
What we have run in the past
If you can’t see the current details of a previous event below that is of interest to you, please contact us for more information.
Swansea University STEM Conference for A-Level Students! - One day STEM conference at Swansea University for Year 12 and 13
Introduction to the university tests STEP, MAT and TMUA - A one hour session introducing STEP, MAT and TMUA university admissions tests
Current | GCSE events…
Past | GCSE events…
What we have run in the past
If you can’t see the current details of a previous event below that is of interest to you, please contact us for more information.
Celebrating Women in Maths Conference – Pembrokeshire College - One day Maths Conference at Pembrokeshire College
Celebrating Women in Mathematics Conference – Bangor University - One day Maths Conference at Bangor University
Current | Year 7, 8 or 9 events…
Year 10 Masterclasses 2025 – Bangor University - SATURDAY MORNING MATHEMATICS MASTERCLASSES WhatRoyal Institution Mathematics MasterclassesWhoYear 10 students who are mathematically able and judged to have potential and interest in the classesWhenSaturday 10:00-12:00 on 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th March 2025WhereBangor University LL57 1UTTo book FOR MORE ABLE AND TALENTED YEAR 10 PUPILS We would like to invite you to nominate pupils… Read More »Year 10 Masterclasses 2025 – Bangor University
Past | Year 7, 8 or 9 events…
What we have run in the past
If you can’t see the current details of a previous event below that is of interest to you, please contact us for more information.
Year 9 Royal Institute Masterclasses Spring 2024 - Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses for Year 9s