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Why study Maths?

Analytical Skills

Analytical skills are those that help us to understand and solve problems. They depend on knowing or being able to find relevant information as well as logical thinking to use this information to find a solution. Mathematical problem solving provides excellent training in developing these skills.

Mathematics is the only A-level subject which offers two A Level qualifications – Mathematics and Further Mathematics. In their ‘Informed Choices’ guide under “What subjects give you the most options” the Russell Group of 24 leading UK Universities lists Maths and Further Maths at the top.

“High level maths skills open doors to so many careers for our learners and we must support them to get the skills they need to succeed”

Former Wales Education Minister Huw Lewis.

Application to other fields

The skills gained from studying a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) subject at A level or degree level are in demand by employers. Graduates with STEM degrees earn on average 5% to 10% higher salaries than the mean for all graduates.

A wide range of STEM and non-STEM subjects are underpinned by mathematics. Having broad mathematical knowledge and secure technical ability will help the transition from sixth-form to higher education. Of course, admissions tutors and employers are looking for the ability to work in a team, communicate effectively and show initiative, but good mathematical skills are also highly prized.

Higher Education & Careers

  • Mathscareers
    Information about the many fascinating careers that studying mathematics can lead to.
  • Plus Magazine
    Interviews with people who took mathematics-related degrees, explaining their career pathway and what they now do.
  • Prospects
    Details potential careers following a maths degree, and other careers that require A level Mathematics.
  • Royal Statistical Society
    Useful guides and articles for careers using statistics.
  • Russell Group
    To help you understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities.
  • StatsLife
    Guidance on careers using statistics
  • UCAS website
    The UCAS website has a variety of tools for helping students choose the right course for higher education.
  • AMSP
    The AMSP website has useful ‘What Next’ pages for A/AS level Mathematics and Further Mathematics.

Several Higher and Degree apprenticeships offer routes into careers that are rich in maths, including accountancy, actuarial science, architecture, engineering and data science.

Careers in Maths

Take a look at our careers in maths videos

Part 1

Part 2