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The Teaching Statistics Trust Lecture 2022-23

Subject: Free Statistics CPD opportunity

Dear Teacher,

We are pleased to invite you to a free professional learning event organised jointly by The Teaching Statistics Trust and MSPW.

There is a choice of two venues: Cardiff University (7th March 2023) and Bangor University (8th March 2023)

The Teaching Statistics Trust Lecture 2022-23

Our principal speakers are Stella Dudzic and Roger Porkess

Data and Statistics in the 16-18 Curriculum

  • Schools are now a long way behind the workplace and higher education in what technology is used, and how. All school subjects that use or produce data need their students to be more competent in statistics.
  • Many 16+ students have traditionally been left out in the cold as far as statistics, technology and relevant mathematics are concerned. There has been no suitable provision for them.
  • The situation is now changing in England with the introduction of Core Maths. This course highlights problem solving in subjects other than mathematics. It has a heavy emphasis on statistics, supported by the use of technology (for example, spreadsheets with statistics facilities). At last, teaching statistics is driven by data.

The lecture includes examples of questions that have been used in recent Core Maths papers and identifies opportunities that Core Maths is making available for improved statistics teaching, learning and assessment, particularly for this large section of each age cohort. The take up of Core Maths is increasing but is still modest, particularly in comparison with the number of young people who stand to benefit from it and also in terms of the national need for employees who are competent in data and statistics. The lecture looks at ways that increased take up can be encouraged.

We conclude by considering what would happen if we were to change from the present three A level regime to a baccalaureate system. We conclude that the lessons currently being learnt through Core Maths will be very important in such an eventuality, particularly those for statistics teaching, learning and assessment.

Stella taught for 22 years in secondary schools, including 9 years as head of department, before joining Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI, a national curriculum development body) in 2006. Her MEI work in curriculum development includes producing new qualifications and overseeing the production of teaching resources. She is a textbook author and editor, and regularly leads CPD for teachers. She has worked with Roger on RSS-commissioned and other reports.

Roger changed career in 1990 from being a secondary maths teacher to become chief executive of MEI. He has worked with many of the country’s influential mathematics and statistics groups and was the lead author of a number of major reports, including two that were commissioned by the Royal Statistical Society. He has authored/edited a large number of mathematics and statistics textbooks and articles, and has considerable experience of formal assessment. Roger retired from MEI in 2010, but continues to work as an independent consultant.


The event is intended for anyone who is teaching statistics or applying statistics in their job or study, including teachers, lecturers, undergraduate or postgraduate students.

Event schedule:

18:30 – 18:40 Arrival and registration

18:40 – 19:10 MSPW Statistics Resources & Doughnut Economics by Dominic Oakes, MSPW Lead for Resources and Research and North Wales Area Coordinator

19:10 – 20:10 Data and Statistics in the 16-18 Curriculum

20:10 – 20:30 Refreshments, discussion and networking (optional!)

Registration is free but book early to avoid disappointment!

To book the TST lecture in Cardiff please register here:

To book the TST lecture in Bangor please register here: