Further Maths Unit 6 Professional Learning

WhatFurther Maths Unit 6 Professional Learning (Further Mechanics)
WhoKS5 teachers
WhenSeptember 2023 – July 2024
HowHybrid- Primarily online, with live sessions held to cover the more complicated topics in South and North Wales
To bookrhgmc-mspw@swansea.ac.uk

More information

This course will give a comprehensive coverage of FMU6 and is aimed at teachers who currently deliver AS-level Further Maths and would like to deliver A-level Further Maths, or teachers who currently teach FMU6 and would like a refresher.

Course Structure: 5 Sessions. This course will be spread over the whole academic year.

Session 1
Impulse and Momentum

Sept-Oct 2023
Impulse and momentum as vector quantities.
Coefficient of restitution
Oblique impacts of identically sized smooth spheres
Impulsive Tensions
Session 2
Moments and Centres of Mass

Nov 2023
Centre of mass of system of particles
Centre of mass of simple laminas
Session 3

Jan – Feb 2024
Centres of mass of laminas and solids using integration
Further Statics
Session 4
Differential Equations in Mechanics

Mar-Apr 2024
Using differential equations in Mechanics
Introducing Simple Harmonic Motion
The Kinematics of Simple Harmonic Motion
Session 5

June – July 2024
Examples of Simple Harmonic Motion
Incomplete Oscillations
Damped Oscillations
Forced Oscillations

Each module will consist of two online, weekday early evening, zoom sessions, separated by 7-14 days. In these sessions, the tutor will consider the major concepts of the topic. Video recordings of these sessions will be made available so that participants who are not able to attend can view the session that was missed.

Sessions 1 and 5 will include the possibility of you attending a face-to-face session with a tutor. These sessions will be on a weekday and held in both South Wales (Swansea) and North Wales (Wrexham or Bangor). These sessions will take place before the two zoom sessions. They will not only cover the material of the two on-line zoom sessions but also give you the opportunity to meet a member of the tutor team and exchange ideas and experiences with some of your fellow participants.

A full resource pack of learning materials, including the materials used in the zoom and face-to-face sessions, will be made available and it is hoped that you will work through the resources and attempt some exercised provided. During this period of self-study, you will have email access to your tutor.

Participants are expected to attend as many online sessions as possible.

Course Dates:

A face-to-face or online session will be held in each of the weeks indicated. Dates will be set as soon as possible.

Session 1Autumn Term Week 3Autumn Term Week 5
Autumn Term Week 7
Session 2Autumn Term Week 9
Autumn Term Week 10
Session 3Spring Term Week 3
Spring Term Week 5
Session 4Spring Term Week 7
Spring Term Week 8
Session 5Summer Term Week 7Summer Term Week 8
Summer Term Week 10

Sessions will be presented in English; materials will be available bilingually

This course will be certificated.

Each session has a short assessment task which participants will be encouraged to complete and send to their tutor. Each task will contain two or three exam style questions for participants to answer. In addition, participants will be asked to reflect upon the knowledge students will need to tackle such questions and possible teaching approaches that might be used in the classroom. It is hoped that each task should require less than 90 minutes to complete.

Certification will be based on satisfactory completion of these tasks and evidence of attendance at the sessions or independent work through the resource material.

The deadline for certification will be August 2024.