WhatHere at MSPW we are developing a series of workshops to support all students develop a mindset ready for any mathematical challenge. In particular in this series of workshops we are keen to look at some of the barriers that are often associated with female learners. These workshops are suitable for all students.
WhoThese workshops are suitable for all.
WhenContact us to discuss a slot
How2 or 3 hours
Face to face
To bookrhgmc-mspw@swansea.ac.uk

We are looking for schools who would like us to deliver these workshops in their school. There will a short questionnaire before and after the series of workshops. Choose a year group or workshop from below and drop us an email to discuss it further.

Choose a workshop….

Who  Year 7 
Title HERstory of Mathematics 
Details A series of 2/3 workshops   
 Looking at the amazing achievements of females within STEM, but mostly M. 
Who  Year 8 
Title More than 1 way to skin a cat? 
Details A series of 2/3 workshops  
 Doing the same problem but in several different ways, allowing students to find a method that suits them and that they feel they can understand and reproduce when needed. 
Who  Year 9 
Title Maths, just do it. 
Details A series of 2/3 workshops 
 Combatting the nature of “you just do” in mathematics – putting some of the explanations behind some of the methods and algorithms some might teach without reason. 
Who  Year 10 
Title Sharpie Pen Maths 
Details A series of 2/3 workshops  
 Students are only allowed to work with permanent markers.  All mistakes/dead ends/learning moments are analysed, celebrated, rewarded and should be considered to be vital in the steps to success.  Posters/tweets/web posts made to celebrate the mistakes made on the road to success when dealing with mathematical conundrums. 
Who  Year 11 
Title Dina Asher Maths 
Details A series of 2/3 workshops  
 Extending yourself. Dina Asher does! Students work on a series of problems that are harder than they would ever expect to receive. Brain overtraining!