
Action Research

MSPW is committed to pedagogical and other educational research towards helping us to best support our aims.

We have undertaken research into:

  • Why students choose (or don’t choose) to study Further Mathematics
  • Curriculum reform
  • The transition to University
  • Tools to support designing a connected curriculum

We have also undertaken action research, working with teachers in Wales into:

  • The Flipped Classroom Approach
  • Integrating Geogebra into Mathematics Education
  • Visualising Statistics and the Cycle of Enquiry

We have published papers in Journals and Conference Proceedings – some of these are linked to in the ‘Published Research’ drop-down.

Planned projects and on-going work can be seen in the below. We are also keen to support teachers with action research ideas.

Please email for further information or to express an interest in getting involved.

Planned Research Projects 2021/2022

Research work for this year will depend on responses to the pandemic. As well as possibly recommencing the suspended projects below, we hope to work on:

  • Implementing a Connected Curriculum in Mathematics and Further Mathematics A-level
Current Research Projects – 2020/2021

From emergency remote teaching to quality remote teaching: a case study of Covid-19 MSPW high school mathematics outreach.

  • Case studies of MSPW asynchronous mathematics outreach programmes during school closures
  • Students engaging with mathematics enrichment during Covid-19
  • Analysis against international trends in Covid-19 school education, research on blended learning and MSPW 10-year experience of offering remote courses in Further Mathematics in Wales
  • The project is ongoing, and the findings will contribute to re-cycling of the materials produced during Covid-19
  • Innovation under Covid – abandoned due to unsurmountable pandemic related difficulties
Suspended Research Projects – 2019/2020

These projects may be restarted when conditions allow

Flipped Classroom Approaches (FCA)

  • The effect of using the FCA on student resilience
  • Opportunities for developing deeper understanding

Integrating Geogebra into Mathematics Education

  • Initial research into teacher attitudes to use of Geogebra
  • Initial research into student attitudes to use of Geogebra

Visualising Statistics and the Cycle of Enquiry

  • The effect of relevant topic and visualisation approach to introducing students to the data handling cycle

Please email for further information or to express an interest in getting involved.

Published Research

Flipped Classroom Approach

Published BSLRM papers

Connected Curricula

Published BCME papers

Connected A-Level Programmes of Study

Published BSLRM papers

3D Curriculum

Senedd Covid-19 Paper
  • Lyakhova, S., Oakes, D. & Joubert, M (2021) Engaging with mathematics during Covid-19: students aged 16+ responding to a mathematics ‘Box Set’ of enrichment video materials
  • Lyakhova, S. & Joubert, M. (2021) Post-16 Further Mathematics blended learning: learner self-regulation, mathematical resilience and technology. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA.  
  • Lyakhova, S., Joubert, M., Capraro, M., & Capraro, R. (2019) Designing a curriculum based on four purposes: let mathematics speak for itself. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 51(4), 513-529. 
Choosing Further Mathematics
  • Lyakhova, S. & Neate, A. (2021) Further Mathematics, student choice and transition to university: part 2—non-mathematics STEM degrees. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA.
  • Lyakhova, S. & Neate, A. (2019) Further Mathematics, student choice and transition to university: part 1 – Mathematics degrees. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 38(4), 167-190.  
  • Tanner, H., Lyakhova, S., & Neate, A. (2016).Choosing Further Mathematics. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education, 18(2), 23-40.

Please email for further information or to express an interest in getting involved.