Maths is your Future!
What | Maths Conference in Bangor |
Who | Able students in year 8 and 9 |
When | 28 March 2023 9:30-14:00 |
To book | |
More information
The Further Mathematics Support Programme Wales is pleased to announce a one-day conference at School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Bangor University, for able Mathematics students from schools in Wales. You are invited to bring students from Years 8/9. The emphasis will be that mathematics can be both fun and challenging.

There will be 2 workshops and a final talk, and a ‘Mathematics Quiz’ competition will also be held during the day, with a voucher prize.
We do hope that you will be able to bring a group of up to 15 students who are interested in mathematics. The day is intended to appeal to your brightest mathematicians in Year 8/9.
There will be no cost for the day, for state funded schools, and further details will be sent so you can make arrangements for transport, leave of absence, parental consent, etc. and send in a registration form, which will include names of staff/students expected to attend.
This year we have just 100 places which will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so early booking is advised.

Where possible please ensure an equal split between male and female students.
An acknowledgement will be sent on receipt of the information below. Deadline: 3 March 2023
Hoffem fynychu’r gynhadledd ym Mhrifysgol Bangor / We wish to attend the conference at Bangor University:
Enw’r ysgol/coleg Name of school/college | |
Cyswllt / Contact | |
Ebost / Email | |
Nifer y Staff No. Staff | |
Nifer y Myfyrwyr No. students |