MSPW and Ri Primary Maths Masterclasses

WhatRi will deliver three series of online maths masterclasses. 
WhoPrimary year 5 and year 6 
WhenSeries 1 will run 1:15pm-2:45pm on Tuesday afternoons:
29th March;
5th April;
26th April;
3rd May:
10th May  

Series 2 will run 9:30am – 11:00am on Thursday mornings:
31st March; 7th April;
28th April; 5th May;
12th May. 

Series 3 will run 1:15pm-2.45pm on Tuesday afternoons:
7th, 14th, 21st, 28th June;
5th July.
To bookIf you are interested in your school taking part, please email asap